Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Year, A New Start

Okay, so it's a new year! 2009! This year, I'm going to try to actually UPDATE this blog, hehe! I tend to start things and forget about them, so this year I'm going to try to actually keep up with the things that I start for my business. I'm going to outline my methods of promotion,  my resolutions and my goals for this year in this post.

Online Promotion Methods
  1. I've created a twitter account here to try to follow other etsians and crafters
  2. I have a deviantART account here
  3. Posting in the Etsy forums
  4. This blog! :)


1. I will devote between an hour and an hour and a half everyday to online promotion
a. I will visit Etsy and post in the forums
b. I will check my twitter account
c. I will check blogs and post comments
d. I will check my deviantART account
2. I will create new pieces in my free time on Mondays and Wednesdays
3. I will blog about my recent activities on Mondays and Wednesdays
4. I will photograph, edit, and upload new pieces to Etsy on Tuesdays and Thursdays 
5. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays will be a for whatever I didn't do during the week.

  1. Sell 5 things between now and February 14 (market jewelry as a unique valentines day gift for yourself or your significant other)
  2. Do one local craft show (possibly the Renaissance Faire one in the summer?)
  3. Sell 5 pieces each month
  4. Have a jewelry show before May 31
  5. Promote promote promote! Hand out business cards, leave flyers on community bulletin boards, anything you can think of!

Hopefully these goals are gonna help me get a little more exposure and success. I've never made a list this detailed before!

Anyway, onto other things!

I have so many listings that I need to put up on Etsy... I have so many items that need to be photographed and have descriptions written for them! I used to find that photographing was the most difficult thing for me, but I've really gotten that down thanks to many different internet tutorials, experimentation, Photoshop and my Mac's iPhoto program. :) Now I find the difficult part writing the descriptions for my jewelry! I want all my pieces to have a little bit of a story to them, and as I'm not a writer, it's hard for me to come up with something that I like enough to post. As a result, I have plenty of jewelry just sitting around and waiting for a story!

Here's an example of a story for something I haven't posted yet:

Whenever a rainbow appears in the sky, you can be sure it's the work of the Rainbow Fairies. They paint rainbows in the sky after storms and make sure the ends of the rainbow never touch the ground. :)

This is a little blurb of a story that I really like, but this bracelet isn't up yet because I don't have enough pictures of it! So I suppose I'm off to take pictures :)


Rock and Fossil Depot said...

Good luck, this is great way to start off the new year -- with goals!

Rheea said...

Wow.. good start for the new year. Think I should do the same too. Haha. Good Luck!!